Sunday, September 28, 2008

Miesenbach and countryside

This weekend, I decided to explore the area around my house. I discovered that it's beautiful! Below is a picture of the lake about 1/4 mile away from my house.

Sorry, Carl, no fishing or swimming. Apparently shooting is allowed (at least at signs!).

I was trying to get a picture of the windmills in this next picture. You see them almost everywhere!

Anyone have any idea what this creature is? It was running away when I was attempting to get a picture of it. It looked like a cross between a cat and rat (and one of those little dogs that can fit in purses). A possum maybe?

I'll leave you with a more attractive picture than that thing above. Here's the view just behind my house.

More to come later!

Tschuss! (pronounced "chews"; meaning "so long" or "bye")

1 comment:

Lynn said...

Hey Christie! I'm finally sort of back in commission after the move. Wow, girl, you've got some great pictures! How nice to walk outside and actually see grass, a pond, and other parts of nature. I bet it even smells nicer than Korea. ;o)